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data — Property in class com.facebook.graph.net.FacebookRequest
Any resulting data returned from Facebook.
DATABASE_ERROR — Constant static property in class com.facebook.graph.data.ui.credits.CreditsErrorCode
Facebook system issue.
dateToUnixTimeStamp(date) — Static method in class com.facebook.graph.utils.FacebookDataUtils
Utility method to convert a Date object to seconds since Jan 1, 1970 for use on Facebook.
DECLINED — Constant static property in class com.facebook.graph.data.api.event.FacebookEventConnection
deleteObject(method, callback) — Static method in class com.facebook.graph.Facebook
Deletes an object from Facebook.
deny — Property in class com.facebook.graph.data.api.post.FacebookPostPrivacy
The deny field may be specified if the friends field is set to SOME_FRIENDS and must specify a comma-separated list of user IDs and friend list IDs that 'cannot' see the post.
deny — Property in class com.facebook.graph.data.ui.stream.StreamPrivacy
When friends is set to SOME_FRIENDS, specify a comma-separated list of user IDs and friend list IDs that "cannot" see the post.
description — Property in class com.facebook.graph.data.api.album.FacebookAlbum
The description of the album.
description — Property in class com.facebook.graph.data.api.application.FacebookApplication
The description of the application written by the 3rd party developers.
description — Property in class com.facebook.graph.data.api.event.FacebookEvent
The long-form description of the event.
description — Property in class com.facebook.graph.data.api.group.FacebookGroup
A brief description of the group.
description — Property in class com.facebook.graph.data.api.link.FacebookLink
A description of the link (appears beneath the link caption).
description — Property in class com.facebook.graph.data.api.post.FacebookPost
A description of the link (appears beneath the link caption).
description — Property in class com.facebook.graph.data.api.post.FacebookPostPrivacy
The privacy value description.
description — Property in class com.facebook.graph.data.ui.stream.StreamAttachment
Descriptive text about the story.
DESCRIPTION — Constant static property in class com.facebook.graph.data.api.album.FacebookAlbumField
DESCRIPTION — Constant static property in class com.facebook.graph.data.api.application.FacebookApplicationField
DESCRIPTION — Constant static property in class com.facebook.graph.data.api.event.FacebookEventField
DESCRIPTION — Constant static property in class com.facebook.graph.data.api.group.FacebookGroupField
DESCRIPTION — Constant static property in class com.facebook.graph.data.api.link.FacebookLinkField
DESCRIPTION — Constant static property in class com.facebook.graph.data.api.post.FacebookPostField
DESKTOP_REDIRECT_URL — Constant static property in class com.facebook.graph.core.FacebookURLDefaults
Used for AIR applications only.
DEVELOPER — Constant static property in class com.facebook.graph.data.fql.FQLTable
dev_purchase_params — Property in class com.facebook.graph.data.ui.credits.Credits
An object for additional params.
DISABLED — Constant static property in class com.facebook.graph.data.ui.credits.CreditsErrorCode
Facebook system issue.
Distractor — Class in package com.facebook.graph.controls
Creates an animated distractor that matches what Facebook uses.
Distractor() — Constructor in class com.facebook.graph.controls.Distractor
Creates a new Distractor instance.
DOCS — Constant static property in class com.facebook.graph.data.api.group.FacebookGroupConnection
DOMAIN — Constant static property in class com.facebook.graph.data.fql.FQLTable
DOMAIN_ADMIN — Constant static property in class com.facebook.graph.data.fql.FQLTable
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